防撞护角,防撞护墙角,橡胶反光护墙角,墙角护板,塑料护墙角,橡胶护墙角,直角护墙角,圆角护墙角 ,反光护墙角,停车场**护墙角 产品名称:护墙角 Can be widely used in the property, residential, park, station, hotel, logistics center and other traffic isolation places! . surface affixed with yellow reflecting film, makes the corner Protector of yellow and black, particularly eye-catching, night light reflection film, so that drivers can see the wall location. The installation is simple, easy maintenance. Fit in The parking lot, residential areas, the use of fees channel Product material: rubber, high tenacity plastic materials, engineering level 3M reflective film Product specifications: 800mm*100mm*8mm 1, firm and durable, beautiful and generous, warning, high temperature, low temperature and extreme weather; 2, convenient installation, installation is not easy to fall off after damage; 2, yellow and black, increase visibility, improve safety; 安装在停车场柱体、墙角、车位后部墙面上; 配有醒目黄色反光警示条,黑黄相同,加强白天的可视性; 嵌入式高亮度黄色反光材料,在光线不佳或夜晚更能吸引驾车者注意,提高安全性; 橡胶体软硬度适中,能有效地保护车辆和建筑物; 安装方便, 牢固耐用。 产品材质:天然橡胶、再生橡胶;采用橡胶压制而成,耐磨、弹性大,能保护墙角、墙面和车子不被损坏。 黄、黑相间,醒目明显,使车场美观整齐。既能保护墙角或柱子,又能保护汽车。 产品特点:由普通橡胶和塑胶制成,抗压性能好,而且有一定柔软度,在车辆撞击时能有效保护车辆不被擦 。用螺丝安装在墙角上,在车辆撞击时不会松动。表面贴有黄色反光膜,使得墙角保护器黑黄相间,特别醒 目,晚上反光膜反射光线,使司机可以看清墙体位置。不但安装简便、维护方便,而且醒目、经济、耐用, 是您的较佳选择! 产品作用:适用于停车场,收费通道,花园小区,停车场,车库,居住区,收费通道加油站等处警示司机夜 间行车安全。 值班手机:郭小姐: 潘小姐: 程先生: ; 联系Q; 座机:0755-84667977 传真:0755-84667977